:ckp melayu jaa ku nie ahh... mls ku kn speaking apa... if th tyme kamu mancing2 2 kail or cast kamu t sangkut cia... nie nah invention yg murah tetapi berkesan... (nda jua murah bnr wah...) benda in boleh melepas kn kail atau cast kamu if yaa tsangkut rh kayu kaa batu2 kaa... mau nie... balum plg ku try p cuba saja cia baa...
:too nah mcm tikus ahh d atas... cali ahh... huhu
: erm... ada plg diagram d atas 2... n d bawah... liat saja cia...
if nda t baca... baca cni...:P "With the Surecatch(R) lure retriver set, you can fish the thickest snags without the worry of loosing your lure. This invention is a inexpensive, practical and efficeint way to free your snagged lure. Retrieves all types of fishing lurfe; minnows, soft plastics, spinners in seconds"
yg nie plg if nda tbaca jua... "Special Notes: Please ensure that when being used from a boat that the retrival rope is a minimun of 20M in length"
Hi, aku dari Sarawak. Macam mana mau pakai benda tu...show lah sikit. I'm a fisherman too...hihihi
gimna cara nya saya bisa membeli benda intu om.. makasi atas perhatian nya
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